Steps to Enroll
1. Determine the Amount per Paycheck
The Multnomah ESD 403(b) plan is a voluntary retirement plan option, you may contribute to this plan by deferring from your paychecks and contributing those funds (in an amount you specify) to an account held under a 403(b) Vendor with an Active Payroll Slot in the plan.
Traditional 403(b) accounts are tax deferred, meaning funds are deferred from your check to your investment account on a pre-tax basis. When you contribute to a Traditional 403(b) account, your net pay is not reduced by the full amount of your contribution (please see our Retirement Saving Options page for detailed examples).
Multnomah ESD allows Roth 403(b) contributions to any Multnomah ESD vendor that will accept such contributions. Roth contributions are deferred on an after-tax basis, as opposed to Traditional 403(b) which are deferred on a pre-tax basis.
Please note: There are annual (calendar year) contribution limits that apply.
2. Select A Vendor and Open an Account
You may select one or more vendors Multnomah ESD 403(b) Vendors with Active Payroll Slots to contribute to by contacting the Vendor or representatives to open an account under Plan ID* assigned to Multnomah ESD. You must establish an account under the Multnomah ESD 403(b) Plan specific Plan ID to begin deferrals. You may not defer to an account created under a prior/different employer's plan.Keep a copy of the documentation showing your newly assigned Account Number to evidence this step was completed.
3. Complete a Salary Reduction Agreement and Submit it to Multnomah ESD
Complete your
403(b) Salary Reduction Agreement
(SRA) form, print it, sign it, and submit it to
Payroll Office at
Multnomah ESD, along with a copy of documentation that you have established an account with the vendor.
Multnomah ESD
Payroll Office
11611 NE Ainsworth Circle
Portland, OR 97220
SRAs are subject to the established Payroll Cut Off Date. Salary Reduction Agreement submission deadline is the 15th of each month to Payroll Office.
Continuation Until Cancellation: The most recent 403(b) SRA document on file at Multnomah ESD remains in effect until you cancel the agreement, change the contribution amount, or change the vendor via the submission of a new 403(b) SRA.
Multnomah ESD May Reduce Or Suspend Contributions: Multnomah ESD is required to avoid contributions that might exceed IRS limits. Consequently, the 403(b) SRA stipulates that Multnomah ESD may reduce and/or suspend contributions to avoid excess deferrals over your contribution limit.
Downloadable pdf of this page available here.