Information For AdministratorsCCC provides compliance monitoring and administrative services to the Employer on a contractual basis. The topics found under Enrollment Information and Vendors links from this Lebanon Community School District site are equally important to Business and Payroll officers involved in administration of the 403(b) plan. The For Employers main site button up top isolates several additional topics of interest only to Employer administrators. Important ObservationsThis Lebanon Community School District section of the Carruth Compliance Consulting (CCC) website was launched on 7/16/2008, but information is being updated on a regular basis: A 'last updated' date and time stamp appears in the lower right corner of this and every page. Every attempt has been made to present complete and accurate information. We at CCC hope that the information provided in this website will be helpful to you in better understanding the excellent supplemental retirement savings program from Lebanon. CCC's Relationship with LebanonCCC provides compliance and plan administration services to Lebanon on a contractual basis, which began on 7/16/2008. CCC serves as a clearing house for administration of the 403(b) Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plan (TSA) for Lebanon, providing employees with the information they need to take advantage of this tax deferred retirement savings plan. List of VendorsFor a list of 403(b) Contribution Vendors for Lebanon Community School District, along with additional Vendor information, please visit the List of Vendors page. Does the Employer Contribute?As a benefit of employment, some Employers make contributions to the 403(b) TSA Plan on behalf of certain employees. The three types of employer contributions possible in a 403(b) Plan are: - Employer Discretionary Contributions
- Employer Matching Contributions
- Employer Post-Severance Contributions
Please see the 403(b) Plan Document for Lebanon Community School District for additional information about these types of employer contributions and whether or not your Employer's 403(b) Plan involves such contributions.
Roth Contributions AvailableLebanon has decided to allow its employees to make Roth 403(b) contributions to any Lebanon vendor that will accept such contributions. General information about Roth 403(b) contributions, which became available for the first time January 1, 2006, is available. Check the link periodically, since new information will be provided as it becomes available. For the most recent information about which vendors accept Roth 403(b) contributions, please see Vendors below. Again, check these lists periodically, since additional vendors are likely to begin accepting Roth 403(b) contributions. 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan AvailableLebanon sponsors a 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP) in addition to its 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity (TSA) Plan. Lebanon employees are eligible to contribute to both plans, making it possible to essentially save double the amounts they could contribute to either plan separately, all the while deferring Federal and State income tax on the contributions. CCC provides certain administrative services to Lebanon with respect to its 457(b) Plan, but treatment of CCC 457(b) administrative services on the CCC website remains under development at the present time. Please check back regularly to monitor availability of 457(b) Plan information on this website. Additional Tax-Deferred Savings InformationCCC provides educational information about advantages of tax deferred savings in general, along with links to websites that provide useful commentary and tools. Employer policies, practices, and procedures are available online, along with enrollment steps, Salary Reduction Agreement forms, and instructions for changing investment companies or contribution amounts. CCC monitors contributions for IRS compliance. Other Frequently Asked QuestionsIf you still have questions about your employer's 403(b) plan after browsing other pages of this website, check out the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). Learn More Ask Your Own QuestionsClick on this link to pose your own questions to Carruth Compliance Consulting, by electronic mail (email), telephone, fax, or any standard mail carrier. Learn More Other Useful LinksClick on this link to review additional websites that CCC has found to be useful for various purposes. We welcome recommendations for additional websites to include on this Useful Links page. Learn More Information Of General InterestCCC provides general information that may be of interest, including CCC information & services, employee/participant resources, employer resources, vendor resources, current CCC clients, useful links, and ways to contact CCC. Breaking News - Changes AheadLearn about significant changes either already set in concrete or under consideration. Transaction Types - DefinitionsClick here for information about the various types of transactions associated with 403(b) annuities and custodial accounts. Plan Document for LebanonIf you'd like to review the most recent Lebanon iteration/draft of its 403(b) Plan Document that will govern 403(b) policies for Employees of Lebanon beginning 1/1/2009, you may do so here. Once the Plan Document is officially adopted by the Employer's Board, the "Draft - Not Effective" banner will be removed.