Salary Reduction Agreement For The Finley School District 403(b) Plan
You must visit the Washington State Deferred Compensation Program website for more information about how to enroll, cancel, or change contribution amounts in the 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan.
Fillable Salary Reduction Agreement
By entering your information into the fillable form below, and then clicking the 'Generate Printable SRA Form' button, you will generate a printable Salary Reduction Form which should be printed out, signed by you, and then submitted to Finley School District
with documentation that you have established an account with each selected Vendor:
Your Information
Your Name, Address, and Contact information is required.
Effective Dates
Implementation: This Salary Reduction Agreement (the 'Agreement') supersedes any previous Salary Reduction Agreement for the person named below (the "Employee") under the 403(b) Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan (the "Plan") offered by School District #053, Benton County, WA (the "Employer"), also known as Finley School District. The salary reduction specified in this agreement will begin with the first paycheck on or after the "Effective Begin Date" specified below, provided this form is received by the Employer before the Payroll cutoff date for that paycheck. This Agreement will remain effective until a new Agreement is submitted.
Employee's Details:
Select the Appropriate Type of Agreement Below:
Distribution Among Vendors
If selecting a new Vendor, you MUST include documentation that an account has been established with the new Vendor that is linked to Finley School District. Vendor accounts linked to former employers may not be used for contributions at Finley School District. Finley School District allows you to contribute to a maximum of 3 different vendors. If Replacing/Overriding a Previous Salary Reduction Agreement or Starting/Initiating a New Salary Reduction Agreement, you must select at least one Vendor.
Finally, if this is part of group submissions to establish a new Vendor, then select "Other" and write in the Vendor Name form (all new vendor requests are to be coordinated through CCC and are subject to review).
Clicking the button below will Generate a printable PDF form populated with the information entered above and a second page containing the terms of the agreement to be carefully reviewed. You must still sign, date, and submit the form to the address indicated at the bottom of page one along with documentation of your open vendor account: