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CCC Authorization Vouchers

Obtaining an Authorization Voucher

CCC offers Authorization Vouchers for the following transaction types:

  • 403(b) Distributions to the Participant (qualifying event: attainment of age 59.5)
  • 403(b) Rollover Distributions out of the Plan (qualifying event: attainment of age 59.5)
  • 403(b) Distributions to the Participant (qualifying event: severance from employment)
  • 403(b) Rollover Distributions out of the Plan (qualifying event: severance from employment)
  • 403(b) Contract Exchanges within the Plan (no qualifying event required)
  • 403(b) Plan-to-Plan Transfers out of the Plan (qualifying event: severance from employment)

***For transactions types other than those available for CCC Authorization Voucher, please click here.***

What is a CCC Authorization Voucher?

The Authorization Voucher is provided in lieu of a Plan Administrator's signature on a vendor's transaction form.

    The recipient of the voucher is responsible for submitting the voucher and vendor's transaction form to the vendor for processing.

How do I obtain a CCC Authorization Voucher?

  1. Submit a CCC Authorization Voucher Request to CCC*.

  2. The final screen provides the option to save and/or print a copy of the Voucher Request.

  3. CCC will receive the online Voucher Request and will verify the participant's eligibility for the transaction.

  4. If the participant is eligible for the requested transaction, CCC will provide a CCC Plan Administrator Authorization Voucher via the preferred delivery method specified (Email, FAX, or Mail). If the participant is ineligible for the requested approval, CCC will issue a denial letter.

    Please note: Emails will come via a secure email service called Sendinc from the email address "". Please check your spam folder if you do not see the message in your inbox. The secure email service will require you create an account the first time you use it, more info/support is available on the Sendinc Website.

  5. If a CCC Plan Administrator Authorization Voucher is provided, the voucher recipient must submit the voucher along with any required vendor forms and/or documents to the vendor for processing.

A note concerning processing times: CCC's processing time may be affected by holiday closures, overall transaction volume, as well as the due diligence, and follow-ups required on the specific transaction.

*CCC can provide authorization vouchers for most of our client's 403(b) plans, as we have a power of attorney in place (list here) so we may act on behalf of the respective plan.

For additional information on Vouchers, please visit our Vouchers FAQs page.



Page Last Modified: 1/10/2024 5:51:29 PM